Talk Radio is generally okay, but James Whale has basically been on a mission to destroy his own legacy over the last couple of years. I have compassion for the fact that he is suffering from cancer himself and that this drives his own position on lockdowns and mandates, but his lack of common sense and the patronising and frankly insulting way that he dismisses others view is just plain unforgiveable.

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What a brilliantly written piece. Well done Bev! Compassion for all is key. We’ve ALL been brutally abused, psychologically bullied and gas lit and it has resulted in many having strong differences of opinion. Those that could see the abuse were often badly turned on by those that couldn’t but as this all comes to light the key is to remember that those that attacked us had been abused themselves and scared out of their minds. When people are frightened they often attack. Our role now is to try and bring unity back to a nation that has been deliberately isolated and divided.

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Yep Nick Ferrari has been disappointing and once you realise someone has views that discriminate against a group of individuals, it is hard to listen to them again.

I find it hard to listen to people at the moment moaning about Boris' parties when they should have been doing some critical thinking themselves and then lockdowns would have been less likely to have been allowed. But, as you say, most were just trying to do the right thing, so I must forgive and forget (for the majority anyway).

Come on Bev, I haven't heard your story yet! https://nakedemperor.substack.com/p/eyes-wide-shut/comments

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In the month of April an expected death toll from all causes would have been 40,000 instead double that amount was recorded 80,000 according to ONS records. Many of the deaths unethically and illegally recorded as Covid19 deaths on the instructions CDC issued to medical professionals worldwide, the Dictate even states clinical confirmation of Covid19 was not required, suspicion was sufficient. Thousands of the elderly had been isolated from family and friends for several week, terrified by psychologically fear mongering and quoted high Covid19 death tolls every day on TV by the Government. The elderly suffered intense fear and extremely isolated lonliness two well documented caused of heart attacks and strokes causing premature death in elderly people. A fact that was knowingly misreported on MCCD in compliance with CDC Dictate, the actual cause of death should have been recorded. Proof of cause of death was further covered up when CDC Dictated any death recorded as Covid19 was banned from being presented for autopsies. My sister's death from FEAR not Covid19 occurred that Easter.

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Forgiveness is a beautiful thing. Bloody hard, though.

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